Policies database
Filters (2)Clear all
- Trade policies (1514)
- Free trade agreement (1495)
- Regulations (355)
- Incentives and investments (227)
- Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) (145)
- Government spending for energy-efficient renovations or retrofits (130)
- Building energy codes for new buildings (125)
- Carbon pricing instruments (60)
- Government spending for replacing inefficient or fossil fuel-based technologies (54)
- Ban of oil boilers (46)
- Heating, cooling and climate control technologies (80)
- Space cooling (75)
- Airconditioners (ACs) (64)
- Space, water and process heating technologies (50)
- Other heat pumps (33)
- Gas-fired heat pumps (32)
- Solar thermal heaters (31)
- Domestic and building-scale boilers (30)
- Electric resistance heaters (29)
- Gas instantaneous (domestic) (29)
Mexico 2002 Ended National
Mexico 1998 Ended National
Portugal 1998 Ended National
Slovenia 1997 In force National
Costa Rica 1996 In force National
Mexico 1995 Ended National
Netherlands 1995 Ended National
Lithuania 1994 Ended National
New Zealand 1992 Ended National
Norway 1991 In force National
Portugal 1991 Ended National
Norway 1985 Ended National
Austria 1975 Ended National