Policies database
Filters (3)Clear all
- Regulations (70)
- Building energy codes for new buildings (45)
- Incentives and investments (24)
- Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) (20)
- Government spending in low-carbon electricity (14)
- Trade policies (7)
- Government spending in storage (4)
- Government spending for energy-efficient buildings (4)
- Inflexion in import tariff/tariff quota (4)
- Carbon pricing instruments (3)
- Heating, cooling and climate control technologies (28)
- Space cooling (26)
- Space (22)
- water and process heating technologies (22)
- Airconditioners (ACs) (18)
- Portable room ACs (11)
- Space, water and process heating technologies (11)
- Building envelope technologies (9)
- Split system ACs (8)
- Floor insulation (6)
People's Republic of China 2023 Ended National
Korea 2023 Ended National
Korea 2023 Ended National
Finland 2020 Ended National
People's Republic of China 2020 Ended National