Conference — Moscow, Russia

International Conference on Efficient Power Generation


The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the International Low-Carbon Energy Technology Platform (convened by the International Energy Agency - Metrostroy), Inter RAO UES and the Kurchatov Institute, co-hosted a Conference on improving efficiency of power generation and decarbonisation of the Russian and Commonwealth Independent States (CIS) energy sector.

The primary objectives for this Conference were to promote energy efficiency and energy saving throughout the region, to discuss the work of Russia’s recently created national Energy Technology Platforms and to gain inputs to their emerging programmes of work. To this end, the Conference brought together a range of government officials, international experts, business representatives, academia, as well as relevant financial institutions and international organisations, to share international best practice experience and discuss how it can be applied to the regional and national context.

Conference Summary

To know more about the Efficient Power Generation Conference (in Russian)

Session 1. Opening remarks and keynote addresses

Opening remarks
Academician Oleg Fovorsky, Chair of the S&T Council of Inter RAO

Russia's science and technology policy to advance energy technologies
Alexey P. Antropov, Head of Division on Energy and Energy Saving, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Improving energy efficiency and decarbonisation of the power sector in the international energy context: challenges and opportunities
Ambassador Richard H. Jones, Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency

Efficient power generation in the Development strategy of Inter RAO
Andrey Kulakov, Head of the Energy Efficiency Office,Center for Construction and Engineering, INTER RAO UES

Session 2. The power sector today: efficient and environmentally clean electricity and heating power generation
Chairman: Ambassador Richard H. Jones, Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency

Electricity sector: a status report
Laszlo Varro, Head of Gas, Coal and Power Market Division, International Energy Agency

Improving energy efficiency as a part of activities of the Inter RAO's Center for Energy Efficiency
Tamara Merebashvili, Deputy Director of the Center for Energy Efficiency of Inter RAO

EBRD and power generation efficiency in Russia: achievements and challenges ahead
Ioannis Papaioannou, Senior Engineer, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change, EBRD

Energy Management and maximizing production efficiency for existing and new plants: practical experience of a multinational energy company operating in the Russian market
Dr. Enrico Viale, Chief Executive Officer of ENEL Russia and CIS

Session 3. The Russian Energy Technology Platforms as a means to advance the transition to a more efficient power generation and innovation

Technology Platform "Environmentally friendly and efficient heating power generation"
Alexander Klimenko, VTI General Director, TP Coordinator

Smart Grid Technology Platform.
Alexey Konev, Russian Energy Agency, TP Coordinator

Technology platform "Distributed power generation"
Sergey Kozhukhovsky, General Director, APBE, TP Coordinator

Bioenergy Technology Platform
Stepan Dudarev, Head of Innovative Energy Division, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"

Nuclear Power Sector in the Russian Federation
Boris Bokarev, Head of Electricity Division, RosAtom

Session 4. International cooperation and other instruments to support innovation in the power sector
Chairman: Peter Cuntz, Chair of the International Energy Agency Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT)

International Energy Agency clean technology co-operation initiatives: the International Low Carbon Energy Technology Platform and the Implementing Agreements
Ambassador Richard H. Jones, Deputy Executive Director

International Co-operation Aspects and Instruments of the European Union Strategic Energy Technologies (SET) Plan
Ismo Koskinen, Energy Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to Russia

Roadmap for Russia-EU co-operation in the field of energy (up to 2050)
Pavel Ponkratyev, JSC "RUSHYDRO"

The Innovation Center Skolkovo and its activities in development and deployment of innovative technologies in Russia
Ekaterina Dyachenko, Acting Head of the Cluster Development Fund for energy-efficient technologies, "Centre for Development and Commercialization of New Technologies"

Session 5. Breakout groups.
The meeting split into four parallel roundtables focusing on different technology areas to exchange experience in developing and implementing efficient technologies in the power generation sector. Speakers highlighted international best practices how to scale up the implementation of such technologies in Russia and CIS.

Roundtable 1.
Modern Technologies for thermal power plants - efficiency, reliability and environmental security: the Russian and global experience

Alexander Klimenko, VTI General Director
Laszlo Varro, Head of Gas, Coal and Power Market Division, International Energy Agency

- Thermal power plants in Russia and worldwide

Introductory speech. The main challenges and goals in transitioning the Russian power sector.
Academician Oleg Favorsky, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chair of Inter RAO S&T Council

Presentation of the International Energy Agency Clean coal roadmap
Carlos Fernandez-Alvarez, Senior Analyst, Coal International Energy Agency

Development and deployment of innovative technologies to support the programme for modernizing the Russian power sector.
Dr. Michael Saparov, Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Head of Laboratory

Development and introduction of model innovative power equipment
A. Lapin, General Director, ANO "Enginnering Center Power Engineering Industry"

Operational problems and prospect for introduction of advanced technologies in the Russian thermal power sector.
Dmitry Bashuk, Gazpromenergoholding

New construction materials for power equipment.
Vladimir Skorobogatykh, Deputy of the General Director, JSC "TsNIITMash"

Prospects for use of technologies for surface strengthening and for new generation protective coverings to improve reliability and performance of the power equipment
Dr. Vyacheslav Ryzhenkov, Deputy of the VTI General Director

- Advanced technologies for heat and power generation

Practical experience in construction and operation of the 660 MWt power unit with supercritical parameters in Check Republic
Irji Soukal, Technical Director, SIGMA (CH)

Improving energy efficiency in power generation sector: boilers and their modernization
Boris Firsov, Vice-President for Innovation, JSC "EM-Alliance"

Advanced technologies in the field of power generation
Michael Turundaev, Manager for Business Development, Alstom (Russia)

An overview of GE gasification technologies
I. Soloviev, Director for Europe and CIS, GE, Gasification Division

The legislation frameworks regulating thermal power plant emissions around the world: how it affects the operation of energy companies (with focus on EU companies)
Dr. Lesley Sloss, Principal Environmental Consultant, International Energy Agency Clean Coal Centre

Roundtable 2.
Distributed energy systems: growth limits and system integration problems
Sergey Filippov, Deputy Director, Institute of Energy Research
Milou Beerepoot, International Energy Agency

- Distributed energy system in Russia and worldwide

Modern technologies of distributed power generation
Dr. Viktor Zaichenko, Head of Laboratory, Energy Saving Problems, Joint Institute of High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Co-generation in Russia: a case study of development and introduction of co-generation units
Dmitry Sulimov, General Director of JSC "Aviadvigatel"

Improving quality of pellets and brickets for co-generation units
Dr. Vera Myasoedova, General Director, Engineering company GRANTEK, Ltd.

District Heating/CHP opportunities and challenges in Russia and CIS
Dr. Arto Nuorkivi, District Heating and Cooling/CHP Implementing Agreement

Strong and week points of using the Russian made equipment for distributed power generation systems of low and middle capacity
Kostyukov, Director, "Stroykonstructor", Ltd. (Volgograd)

Conversion of boiler-houses into mini-power generation plants.
A. Bogacheva, V. Okorokov, A. Shapovalov, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical university

- Integration of renewables into district energy systems. Heat pumps and use of geothermal energy

Pumping systems for use of low-heat energy of the upper layers of the Earth for heating buildings. Practical experience and prospects for making use of heat pumps in heat and cold supply
G. Vassiliev, Head of the Center for Energy Saving and efficient use of non-traditional sources of energy in construction, GUP NII Mosstroy (Moscow), Chair of the Board of Director, INSOLAR-INVEST Ltd (Moscow)

Prospects for use of heat pumps in Russia
Sergey Philippov, Marina Dilman, Michael Ionov, Institute of Energy Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The development of geothermal energy: the International Energy Agency geothermal roadmap and opportunities for geothermal energy in Russia and CIS
Milou Beerepoot, International Energy Agency

Construction and operation of biogas stations in Belgorod region: experience and development strategy
Maxim Timofeev, General Director, Regional Biotechnology Center

Modern technologies for pyrolysis of bio organic wastes
E. Sulman, Director of the Institute of nano- and biotechnologies, Tver University of Technologies

Roundtable 3.
Smart Grids: their development and deployment
N. Voropai, General Director of Meletyev Institute of Energy Systems (Irkutsk)
Michele De Nigris, Chair of ISGAN Implementing Agreement

- Smart Grid Concepts in Russia and worldwide

Overview of the International Energy Agency Smart Grid Roadmap
Michele De Nigris, Director T&D Technologies Department, Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico (Italy), Chair of ISGAN Implementing Agreement

Innovative Development Program of JSC "FSK UES"
Yury Dementyev, Head of Department for Technological Development and Innovation, JSC "FSK UES"

Smart grid concept for the National united electricity network of Russia
Y. Morzhin, Y. Shakaryan, National Technology Center of Electrical Power Industry

Organizational and technological innovation for "smart" power sector
Vitaly Bushuev, General Director, Institute of Energy Strategy

Transition to smart Energy system of Russia: assessment of effects
Fedor Veselov, Head of Division, Development and Restructuring of the Electricity Sector, Institute of Energy Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Technologies for smart on-line and emergency control in the Russian Energy Systems
Nikolay Voropai, Yury Morzhin, Igor Yadykin (National Technology Center of Electrical Power Industry, Institute of Management Problems of RAS, Institute of energy systems)

- How to enhance the development and deployment of Smart Grids

International efforts in the development of smart grids. IGSAN's plan of action and related activities
Michele De Nigris, Chair of ISGAN Implementing Agreement

Strategies and practical experiences of companies: the example of Alstom
Philippe Simon, Alstom

Hitachi's experience in developing smart grids
Shinichi Inage, Hitachi Ltd Power Systems (Japan)

Modern electricity grids lessons learned from modernization of the electricity system of Armenia
Narek Oganesyan, Head of Division, Armenian grid company

High-voltage equipment for smart electricity systems
Vladimir Varivodov, 1st Deputy of the General Director, All-Russian Electrical Engineering Institute

Technologies for smart on-line and emergency control in the Russian energy Systems
Y. Morzhin, I. Yadykin (National Technology Center of Electrical Power Industry, Institute of management problems of RAS, Institute of energy systems)

Promising research areas and projects in the field of smart grid technologies (an overview)
D. Efimov, Institute of Energy Systems, RAS (Irkutsk)

Financing smart grids projects in Russia and CI
Igor Kovtun, General representative in Russia, Nordic Investment Bank

Roundtable 4.
Efficient use of energy in the end-use sector. Modern solutions and technologies for improving energy efficiency in buildings
Tamara Merebashvili, Deputy of the General Director, Inter RAO's Center for Energy Efficiency
Alexander Naumov, AVOC Vice President, General Director NP "TERMEK"
Nathalie Trudeau, Energy Technology Policy, International Energy Agency

- Energy Efficiency: challenges and opportunities in Russia and CIS

Development of Energy Efficiency indicators in Russia
Nathalie Trudeau, Energy Technology Policy, International Energy Agency

From efficient equipment to efficient buildings
Alexander Naumov, AVOC Vice President, General Director NP "TERMEK"

Improving energy efficiency in buildings: overview of the best practices Worldwide
Yamina Saheb, Energy Efficiency Unit, International Energy Agency

Improving Efficiency of heat supply systems through use of modern energy saving and environmentally friendly technologies
Dr. Alexander Volkov, Deputy National Research University "Moscow Power Institute"

Innovative solutions for energy efficiency in buildings (private sector case study)
Bob Dixon, Senior Vice-President and Global Head, Efficiency & Sustainability, Building Technologies Division, Siemens Industry

- How to advance energy efficiency in industrial sector: best practices

Improving Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector: the practical solutions
Vincent de Rule, General Director, Fenice Rus

Systems to assess quality of energy consumption for end-user of heat and Electricity
Alexander Bogdanov, Chief Technology Engineer, E4 SibKOTES

Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings: efficiency standards and Labeling
John O'Brien, Regional technology adviser on energy and environmetal issues, UNDP

Labelling of energy efficient equipment as a means to raise energy efficiency
Vyacheslav Popov, Head of the Working Group of the Project co-funded by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, UNDP and GEF

Session 6. Plenary meeting
Ambassador Richard H. Jones, Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Academician Oleg Favorsky, Chair of the S&T Council of Inter RAO
Tamara Merebashvili, Deputy Director of the Center for Energy Efficiency of Inter RAO

Chairmen from the four Roundtables will make a summary of the roundtable debates, to be followed by general discussion

Wrap-up session
Ambassador Richard H. Jones, Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Academician Oleg Favorsky, Chair of the S&T Council of Inter RAO
Tamara Merebashvili, Deputy Director of the Center for Energy Efficiency of Inter RAO