Workshop — Paris, France

Workshop on Using Long-Term Scenarios for R&D Priority Setting


The IEA Experts' Group on R&D Priority Setting and Evaluation and the IEA Secretariat convened this workshop on long-term scenarios and their use for R&D priority setting. Experts were invited to share experiences and provide input to the Energy Technology Perspectives 2008 publication, which was reported to the Japanese G8 presidency in 2008. The workshop has drawn on key experts with hands-on experience in scenario-aided R&D priority setting from governments, industry, academia and international organisations.

Agenda  ‌



Herbert Greisberger
Chair,  IEA Experts’ Group on R&D Priority Setting, Austria
Graham Campbell 
Chair, IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology, Canada

The G8 Plan of Action - Metrostroy reporting on Energy Technology Perspectives
Neil Hirst, Director, Office of Energy Technology and R&D, IEA
ETP 2008 - translating the ETP 2006 scenarios into R&D policy recommendations
Jeppe Bjerg, Energy Analyst, Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA

ETP 2006 - results, technologies and R&D needs
Dolf Gielen, Senior Analyst, Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA

Session 1: Global energy technology scenarios – key technologies and policies
Chair: Neil Hirst, Director, Office of Energy Technology and R&D

Pathways to 2050 - energy and climate change
Adam Kirkman, Program Manager, Energy and Climate, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Switzerland

Global scenarios out to 2025 and their implications for strategy
Peter Snowdon, Senior Energy Adviser, Shell International, The Netherlands
Climate change scenarios - key technologies and policies in the power sector
Bo Nelson, Corporate Strategic Advisor, Vattenfall AB, Sweden
Session 2: Approaches to RD&D priority setting
Chair: Egil Ofverholm, Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden
Insights from the use of MARKAL for R&D priority setting for electricity supply and electricity end-use technologies
Paul (Chip) Friley, Energy Sciences and Technology Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, United States
Insights from strategic technology roadmap and back casting approach - Energy Technology Vision 2100
Makoto Akai, Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
Insights from qualitative methodologies for R&D priority setting
Per Dannemand Andersen, Head of Programme, Systems Analysis Department, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark
Session 3: R&D priorities and technology policies
Chair: Isabel Cabrita, Director, INETI - National Institute of Industrial Engineering and Technology, Portugal
Using long term scenarios for R&D priority setting in the United States
Robert C. Marlay, Director, Office of Science Policy, U.S. Department of Energy, United States
Using long term scenarios for R&D priority setting in the 7th Framework Programme
Angel Perez Sainz, Head of Unit, Energy Research - Horizontal Aspects and Coordination, European Commission
Technology and innovation policies in OECD coutnries. Perspectives for energy technology R&D
Dirk Pilat, Head, Science and Technology Policy Division, Directorate of Science, Technology & Innovation, OECD
Improving the efficiency of R&D in energy research policy by making use of innovation science insights
Clemens Cremer, Systems and Innovation Research, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
Session 4: RD&D priorities and investment needs
Chair: Robert Dixon, Head, Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA
CO2 capture and storage - RD&D priorities and investment needs
Jacek Podkanski, Senior Energy Analyst, IEA
RD&D priority setting: lessons learned and priorities for the future
François Cattier, R&D Analyst, Electricite de France (EDF), France
Electricity and CHP production from biomass - RD&D priorities and investment needs
Ralph Simms, Senior Analyst, IEA

Session 5: RD&D priorities and investment needs
Chair: Herbert Greisberger, Chair, IEA Expert Group on R&D Priority Setting, Austria
Grid integration of large scale wind - challenges and R&D needs
Bernhard Ernst, RWE Transportnetz Strom GmbH, Germany
Wind turbines - RD&D priorities and investment needs
Sebastian Achilles, Lead Scientist, GE Global Research, Germany

Solar PV technologies - RD&D priorities and investment needs 
Hubert Fechner, IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, Head of Business Unit Renewable Energy Technologies Arsenal Research, Austria

Session 6: Roundtable discussion on issues raised in Day 1 and 2
Chair: Dolf Gielen, Senior Analyst, Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA